
UNEP - United Nations Environment ProgrammeLihat lainnya

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Result of Service
Under the supervision of the Programme Management Officer, Finance Unit, Energy and Climate Branch, Industry and Economy Division, the consultant will perform the following functions:1. Coordinate and support partners on the ground:a. Coordinate, facilitate communication and collaboration among various partners involved in EmPower II including UN Women Country office, UNEP focal points, local public and private stakeholders.b. Organize meetings, workshops, or coordination sessions to align strategies and activities in the country, representing UNEP in in-country EmPower II meetings and discussions.c. Coordinate and inform EmPower team of project advancements, provide logistical support as needed for effective implementation of UNEP led activities.d. Monitor the progress of activities in collaboration with partners and report on advancements.e. Identify potential synergies and establish collaborations with other similar initiatives in the country and regional level, as applicable.f. Coordinate as necessary with government bodies and financial institutions.2. Support implementation of UNEP led activitiesa. Lead market assessment of small-scale renewable or clean energy technologies for women and marginalized communities in Indonesiai. Develop detailed plan outlining methodologies, timelines, and key stakeholders to be involved in a market assessment focused on fostering entrepreneurship through small-scale renewable or clean energy technologies. EmPower aims to enhance climate-resilient livelihoods, particularly targeting women and marginalized communities.ii. Conduct the market assessment including data collection, analysis and interpretation.iii. Produce a comprehensive report summarizing findings, insights, and recommendations based on the market assessment.b. Establish financial institutions support and support in the development of an affordable loan scheme for women and marginalized communities through small-scale renewable or clean energy technologiesi. Identify and engage and with relevant financial institutions to explore potential partnerships.ii. Collaborate with UNEP team and coordinate/liaise with financing institutions in setting up the financing schemes suitable with EmPower’s goals. Draft the necessary documents, agreements required for partnering with FIs.iii. Provide guidance and support in implementing these mechanisms, ensuring alignment with the Programme’s objectives.c. Provide other technical supports as required to deliver the outputs defined under the EmPower programme3. Communication and outreachPerformance indicators: Efficient completion of the deliverables as per stipulated and evaluated by UNEP for completeness and quality.
Work Location
Expected duration
6 months
Duties and Responsibilities
The low-carbon transition and social transformation required to solve the climate crisis pose significant opportunities to redress gender inequalities and promote human rights. By placing women and other marginalized groups at the centre, this transition can advance gender justice and occur more quickly with empowered women and marginalized groups acting as change agents.From 2018 to 2022, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) worked together through the first phase of the EmPower: Women for Climate-Resilient Societies project to accelerate gender-responsive and human rights-based climate action across Asia and the Pacific with a focus on Bangladesh, Cambodia and Viet Nam. Building on the first phase of the project, UNEP and UN Women are scaling up the work in its second phase starting 2023. EmPower Phase II will leverage a variety of tools, methodologies, and empirical data to implement existing plans and policies for gender-responsive, human rights-based climate action. The project will expand the scope for women and other marginalized and gender-diverse groups to shape decisions and build resilience, including through new access to finance, technology, and renewable energy as a driver of better livelihoods.In EmPower Phase II, UNEP takes the lead to develop financial schemes to give female entrepreneurs/women-led enterprises access to finance for renewable energy/clean energy technologies contributing to the reduction of Green House Gas (GHG) emission in Cambodia, Viet Nam, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Philippines. In order to achieve this, UNEP intends to create partnership with banks and other financial institutions to create an affordable loan scheme for the above target borrowers in these countries. In addition to working with financial institutions, UNEP’s role in EmPower-II is also to identify other similar initiatives and explore the synergies between programmes, linking women’s entrepreneurs to networks involved in renewable energy businesses, design skill development programmes for women and other marginalized communities in the context of just clean energy transitions etc.Given the number of diverse stakeholders involved in the implementation in Indonesia, UNEP requires a local consultant who can act as the EmPower Partnership and reporting expert for UNEP and assist stakeholder coordination, exploring synergies with other initiatives and programmes, support implementation of specific activities designed for Indonesia. In addition to this, one of the major roles of the consultant will be to coordinate regularly and partner with local colleagues and stakeholders.
Qualifications/special skills
• Advanced degree (A minimum of Master’s degree is preferred) in management, finance, economics, international development or a closely related field. Additionally, academic background in renewable energy and/or climate resilient technology, energy finance, enterprise development is an asset.• Minimum of 7 years of experience in renewable energy and climate technologies, access to finance, market analysis, partnerships creation, stakeholder’s management, coordination and reporting is required.• Experience in working with Government departments, with financing institutions, other intergovernmental initiatives in Indonesia and in other ASEAN countries is desirable.• Working experience on any of the themes - gender equality, women’s economic empowerment, climate resilient livelihoods will be an added advantage.• Ability to and experience in producing well written, analytical reports in English• Must have sound analytical and communication skills• Ability to work under pressure and time constraints
• English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For the position advertised, fluency in oral and written English is required. Knowledge of another official United Nations language is an advantage.
Additional Information
Not available.
No Fee
Refer code: 583228. UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme - Hari sebelumnya - 2024-01-19 10:09

UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme


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